23 Ways to Stay Hydrated Throughout the Year

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Sharing 23 ways to stay hydrated throughout the year – tips and tricks from a registered dietitian and personal trainer.

Sharing my top tips to stay hydrated.

Proper hydration is essential for all bodily functions. These functions include, but are not limited to, digestion, electrolyte balance, maximizing physical performance, impacting energy levels, improving brain function and concentration, absorption of water-soluble vitamins and minerals, detoxifying liver and kidneys, improving skin elasticity, increasing synovial fluid between the joints, metabolizing foods, transporting nutrients in the body, excreting waste products and maintaining regularity, and strengthening the immune system. It is crucial for overall health to stay hydrated.

23 Ways to Stay Hydrated Throughout the Year

Carry a Water Bottle

An easy way to consume more water is to carry a water bottle. I love using either my glass water bottle or my water bottle with a straw to remind me to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Aim For Light Lemonade Urine Color

One simple trick to understand if you’re consuming adequate fluids is to review your urine color. If your urine color is a pale straw or light lemonade color, you are hydrated. If your urine is dark or an apple juice color, this indicates dehydration. Be mindful, you do not want to aim for clear urine, as this would indicate overhydration which may potentially promote loss of electrolytes.

Consume More Fruits

Fresh fruits contain around 75-90% water, making them not only a great addition to increase fiber, but also fluid! Some of my favorite fruit recipes include my watermelon goat cheese & basil salad, tropical fruit salad, and oven-roasted pineapple with banana cream.

Consume More Veggies

Fresh vegetables also contain around 75-90% water. Not only can they add a nice crunch to a variety of recipes, vegetables add to your daily fluid consumption. Spicy pico de gallo, summertime soufiko, and cowboy caviar are delicious, hydrating recipes to incorporate within your days.

Consume But Limit Coffee

Moderate amounts of coffee can help you stay hydrated. However, if you have 2-3 cups or more, coffee can begin to act as a diuretic, dehydrating you. Being mindful of how much coffee you consume AND how much sugar is in your coffee is key!

Incorporate Tea Within Your Routine

Tea is a great way to stay hydrated – I love drinking peppermint tea throughout the day and lavender tea before bedtime. If you opt for caffeinated tea, be mindful to consume less than 5-8 cups, otherwise it can begin to act as a diuretic.

Set Reminders

Setting reminders to drink 8 ounces of water can be very helpful during those busy weeks. Setting a timer every hour from 8 am through 4 pm can ensure you are consuming around 64 ounces per day.

Replace Other Beverages with Water

If you consume soda or sugar sweetened beverages during the day, can you begin to swap them for water? If you don’t like plain water, can you infuse water with fresh fruits and herbs?

Infuse Water with Different Flavors

Fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs are a great way to incorporate new, refreshing flavors to a glass of water. The number of combinations are endless! Check-out my blog post on a variety of different flavors to incorporate.

Consume a Glass of Water When You Wake

When you first wake up, have a glass of water before having breakfast.

Consume Coconut Water

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium, making it a great way to stay hydrated. I love packing coconut water for road trips, hikes, or after days on the lake.

Incorporate a Homemade Electrolyte Drink

My sweet citrus electrolyte drink is not only delicious, it’s another great way to consume electrolytes. I’ll consume this beverage after an intense workout, excessive perspiration caused by hot temperatures such as during a hot spring or sauna session, or during or after an illness.

Consume Bone Broth

Bone broth contains a variety of nutrients such as collagen, minerals, and fluid. I love consuming bone broth on its own, or I’ll add it to a variety of soups, stews, & chilis for added hydration and nutrition.

Incorporate a Variety of Mocktails

I’ve been loving mocktails more and more lately! Not only are they a great way to stay hydrated, they’re fun to make and delicious! Some of my favorite mocktails are my lemon & basil mocktail, sunset sweets mocktail, and my beet juice mocktail.

Place Your Beverages in Fancy Glassware

If there’s one thing I love, it’s fancy glassware. Not only does glassware make any beverage fun & exciting, it can be a great way to entice you to drink more fluids.

Limit Time in the Heat

There are many benefits to using a sauna, getting outside, or spending time in a hot spring. However, too much of anything isn’t recommended. Excessive sweating without proper hydration can lead to dehydration. Be mindful of how long and often you are excessively perspiring. Are you noticing lightheadedness, leg cramps or early fatigue? These are symptoms of dehydration.

Incorporate Smoothies Throughout Your Day

Smoothies can be a great way to consume more fluids. I tend to fill my blender to the top with milk or water for a thinner consistency – this also ensures more fluids, too!

Have a Glass of Water with Each Meal

Are you having a glass of water with each meal? Fluids help to transport nutrients throughout the system, while reducing GI discomfort post-meal.

Make Water Convenient

Do you have easy access to water? Can you pack water bottles to consume throughout your day? Do you use a water filter to ensure clean water?

Tap water has been shown to contain things such as lead, pesticides, bacteria, and chlorine. Filtered water removes around 99% of the impurities found in tap water. I highly encourage consuming filtered water if you are not doing so already.

Set-Up a Water Challenge with Your Friends & Family

Can you do a 7-day hydration challenge where you track the number of ounces of fluids you consume per day?

Water Down Juices & High Sugar Beverages

I personally love juice. However, I do prefer it watered down to reduce the amount of sugar. This will ensure more water is consumed, too.

Limit Sugar Within Your Diet

Consuming too much sugar has been shown to cause signs and symptoms of dehydration. How many grams of added sugars are you consuming per day? As a general rule of thumb, consuming 25 grams or less of added sugar per day is recommended.

Limit Sodium Within Your Diet

Sodium helps to regulate fluid levels within our body. If we over consume sodium without increasing our fluids, this can lead to dehydration.

Comment below if you found any of the 23 ways to stay hydrated throughout the year helpful!

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