What You Need to Know Before Your Next Camping Trip

What you need to know before your next camping trip, sharing all the details below! From the food to the gear, we have solidified our routine which makes camping seamless and relaxing.

What you need to know before your next camping trip.

Camping is a budget friendly way to explore new areas, while also spending time in nature and unplugging. It’s a great way to experience the natural environment, while enjoying the simple things in life such as cooking over the fire and sleeping under the stars.

What You Need to Know Before Your Next Camping Trip

Food Essentials

Here are several of my favorite camping recipes that are both easy to make and delicious!

Camping Gear Essentials

When it comes to camping, remember to pack as though you’re going to stay somewhere with no furniture, electricity, stove or refrigerator. In a developed campground, you will have access to running water and a bathroom. However, if you’re doing remote camping, be mindful you may need to bring extra gear, such as toiletries.

Pro tip: practice packing and setting up all your gear at home. This will ensure you packed everything you need, while also reducing the risk of overpacking. We did this for our eight day road trip, which allowed for an easier way to access what we needed, with less stress!

Safety Essentials

When it comes to camping, always be mindful of the environment. Are you aware of what animals are in the area? This not only includes large animals such as elk, bear, and wolves, but also snacks, spiders and insects.

Did I miss anything on the topic of what you need to know before your next camping trip? If so, comment other tips and tricks in the comments below to share with others!

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