Learning how to practice food freedom can help to prevent dieting and heal your relationship with food. Let’s dive into my top six tips on how to find food freedom.
Food freedom is an approach to eating that removes any restrictions that commonly come along with dieting. This way of thinking can reduce stress around the food choices you make, whether you are traveling, attending celebrations such as graduations or weddings, or planning meals for the week.
Practicing food freedom is no easy task. However, when you implement this concept into your eating patterns, you no longer stress about food choices. Instead of focusing on restriction, you begin to focus on fueling your body with whole foods, while satisfying your cravings in moderation. Below are my top six tips to begin practicing food freedom.
Food freedom is a behavior-change approach that emphasizes on listening to your body through mindful and intuitive eating, instead of following restrictive diets that aren’t sustainable. If you have any questions on how to practice food freedom, be sure to comment below!