30 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in the Past 30 Years

In honor of entering a new decade, I’m sharing 30 life lessons I’ve learned in the past 30 years. This includes some of my favorite quotes and words that helped me through hardships and heartbreaks.

30 life lessons learned in 30 years.

It’s crazy to think I turned 30 this year. If I’m being honest, I still feel like a teenager, haha. With this milestone birthday, I’m realizing just how important it is to chase after my dreams. Life goes by quick, it’s either put the work in now and don’t let fear get in the way, or have regrets when I’m older. And I definitely don’t want the latter.

Below I’m sharing several of my favorite quotes, words, and thoughts that have helped me curate the life I’m so thankful to be living, while keeping me on track to designing the life I yearn to live. If interested, I’ve also compiled more of my favorite sayings on Pinterest. Whenever, I need a pick me up, reviewing this board helps me get in the right mindset for a more positive and productive day.

30 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in the Past 30 Years

  1. Life responds to effort. It’s you against you. Have the courage to go for it.
  2. Life is no easy ride. To get to where you want to be, you have to be disciplined, determined, consistent, and obsessed to get what you want.
  3. Celebrate every success in life, no matter how small. These small successes make life worth living; and add up overtime.
  4. Spend uninterrupted time with loved ones. Don’t forget, as we get older, so do our loved ones – you don’t get that time back.
  5. Come as you are. This is your world. In your world, you can create anything you desire.
  6. Self-care is important. What can you do to show yourself love throughout the week? Is it going for a walk outside, drinking a hot cup of tea, or spending time doing what you enjoy? Once you know how to fill up your cup, be sure to act on it on a daily basis.
  7. Your thoughts run your life. Hence, be sure you’re speaking nicely to yourself.
  8. If a boy doesn’t give you attention, move on. There’s a man out there who will make you feel like you’re the only one in the world.
  9. Friends come and go. But the real ones will always be there for you, no matter the time of day or circumstance. Understand who those friends are and keep them close.
  10. You’re busy doubting yourself while so many people are intimidated by your potential. Take risks. Live with no regrets.
  11. She was powerful, not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear. – Atticus
  12. Take advice from those whose lives you yearn to live. Rather than from those whose lives are far from what you want.
  13. The key to a happy relationship is to be with your best friend. But remember, no relationship is perfect. You have to be willing to work through the tough times together.
  14. Spend time learning about yourself. What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies? Once you know the answers to these questions, run with it. Build a business around it. Move to a new state. In other words, build a life you’re happy to live on a day to day basis.
  15. Mindset is everything. Instead of saying I have to, train your mind to say I get to. I get to workout. I get to cook a meal for my family. I get to go to work. This mindset changes everything.
  16. Learn to set boundaries with friends, family, and work. As long as you’re setting healthy boundaries, this can help prevent burnout, stress, anxiety, and help to build stronger relationships. Hence, the importance of sticking to the boundaries you set!
  17. Spend your 20’s exploring, adventuring, taking risks, and trying new things. But remember, your future self will thank you if you learn how to spend your money wisely, work towards a career that’s fulfilling, surround yourself with a good community, and take care of your mind and body.
  18. Health is wealth – above all, invest in yourself. Eat nutritious meals, manage stress, journal, move your body with weight training, walking, and mobility work, and get your sleep.
  19. You will have your fair share of heartbreaks. Unquestionably, this means you’re one step closer to finding your soulmate.
  20. Spend your money on experiences, because reminiscing on memories are some of the best joys in life. However, when it comes to things, invest in quality. You will thank yourself in the future.
  21. Listen to your parents. Learn from their experiences and mistakes. Soon you will realize how right they’ve always been.
  22. Don’t follow the crowd. Instead, create your own path. Life will be far more exciting!
  23. Life is always worth living. If you’re going through hardships, by all means, just know a breakthrough is near. Additionally, sometimes what didn’t work out for you really worked out for you.
  24. Things always happen for a reason. When things don’t go as planned, learn from the lesson and grow from it.
  25. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. -Rocky Balboa.
  26. You can be soft and successful, a traditionalist and a rebel, a lover and a fighter, vulnerable and invincible. – Unknown.
  27. Listen without interrupting (Proverbs 18). Speak without accusing (James 1:19). Pray without ceasing (Colossian 1:9). Share without pretending (Ephesians 4:15). Forgive without wavering (Corinthians 13:7). Enjoy without complaint (Philippians 2:14).
  28. Small consistent changes. Eventually this will lead you to success, in all aspects of life.
  29. Stop wondering if you’re good enough for other people. Start asking yourself if they’re good enough for you.
  30. Start before you’re ready. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming.

I hope you enjoyed these 30 life lessons I’ve learned over the past 30 years. Comment below what resonates the most with you – I’d love to hear!

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